There is Only One Election Issue: Cultural Marxism

Both in the United States and in Europe, one election issue stands so tall it puts all others in the shade.  Will voters continue to allow the elites to force cultural Marxism down everyone’s throats, or will they rebel and vote for President Trump in America and parties such as National Rally in France and Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Germany?  On that question hangs the fate of western civilization.

What is cultural Marxism?  It is Marxism translated from economic and cultural terms.  This intellectually difficult translation was done by a think-tank established in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1923, commonly known as the Frankfurt School.  The Frankfurt School left Germany in 1933 and was re-established in New York City in 1934 with the support of Columbia University.  On American soil, it shifted its focus from trying to destroy traditional, western, Judeo-Christian culture in Germany to doing so in the country that had given it refuge.

The Frankfurt School attempted from the outset to conceal its real nature and objectives – the destruction of western culture, the Christian religion and, added by Herbert Marcuse in the 1950s and ‘60s, the white race.  Today, it does so by calling itself “multiculturalism,” “Political Correctness” or “woke.”  But the fact is, its Marxism, albeit a different Marxism from that of the old Soviet Union.  (A good introduction to the Frankfurt School and its creation of cultural Marxism is a video documentary, “History of Political Correctness,” available on Youtube.)

Cultural Marxism is now universal among western elites.  You cannot be a member of the elite here or in Europe if you dissent from it.  Only non-elite political leaders such as President Trump here or Marine le Pen in France dare defy it, which is why all the establishment political parties and factions oppose Mr. Trump, National Rally and AfD.  The elites will not hesitate to abolish democracy in the name of democracy to protect cultural Marxism; all the other German political parties want to outlaw Afd, despite its being the second-most popular party in the country.

Cultural Marxism is the man behind the curtain in most of the other political issues the U.S. and Europe face.  Immigration is one: cultural Marxists know masses of immigrants from other cultures, religions, and races are a powerful weapon in their battle to destroy western, Christian culture.  That is why the elites have united behind a policy of open borders.  BEI (“Didn’t Earn It”) is another product of cultural Marxism.  It deprives white males of positions they have earned to give them to favored “victim” groups such as (feminist only) women, blacks, gays etc.  (All Marxism divides humanity into  two groups, “oppressors” (bad) and “victims” (good).) Public school curricula that teach pupils to hate their country and its history, their race, and their parents (“Critical Race Theory”) is pure Frankfurt School, a subset of the Institute’s broader Critical Theory (the theory is to bring down every traditional institution by endless , punitive criticism).

The good news here is that ordinary voters, here and in Europe, are beginning to understand that all of the assaults on their beliefs, their culture and their way of life have a common origin in cultural Marxism.  Whereas the mainstream parties offer those voters no choice, because they’ve all embraced cultural Marxism either out of belief or out of moral cowardice (e.g. the Conservative Party in U.K. and the CDU in Germany), new parties now offer a way to vote cultural Marxism out.

It does no good to pull a weed unless you also get the root.  The once-Christian west has a chance, later this year, to do exactly that by killing the Marxist ideology that is driving our moral and cultural decline.  All it takes is going to the voting booth and pulling the right lever.


Playing With Nuclear Fire