Cultural Marxism Takes the Offensive

After a period of quiescence, cultural Marxism is again on the attack. It is advancing on at least three fronts: racial, sexual, and religious. In every case, its target is Marcuse's hated "reality principle", which is to say everything that enables society to function. As the cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School repeatedly stated, their ideology's goal is "negation", i.e., bringing everything down. The farther society can be pushed away from reality, the greater the dimensions of its collapse.On the racial front, the cultural Marxists are trying to make every instance in which a cop shoots a black a crime--with the police officer the criminal. Because the black rate of violent crime is twelve times the white rate, cops often finds themselves facing young black males who either are carrying a gun or, from the cop's knowledge, are likely to have one. The cop's life is on the line. But now, even if the black is both a criminal and armed, the cop's job and maybe his freedom are at risk if he shoots. He is put in an impossible position, thereby bringing about the "negation" cultural Marxism seeks. The cops, who are both symbols and bringers of order, are paralyzed and disorder spreads. "Negative dialects" take another step forward.On the sexual front, we see both on college campuses and in our military another push for "negation." The feminists, who are now wholly subsumed in the cultural Marxists, first demand young men and young women be intimately mixed. Colleges have coed dorms and women will soon be serving on submarines. Any attempt to separate the sexes is labelled "discrimination". Equality is falsely defined as interchangeability even as science finds more and more differences between the male and female brains. Then, having put young men and young women cheek by jowl, cultural Marxism says, "Now now, no bunga-bunga." When hormones have their way, as they will, the man (never the woman) is guilty of "sexual assault" or even "rape". Earlier generations know that if you want to prevent young people from having sex, you have to separate them. The cultural Marxists know that too, but if your goal is to destroy a society, you want to force actions that lead to dysfunction, i.e., "negation".On the religious front, a growing number of Christian business owners are being ordered to burn incense to the Emperor, on pain of death of their business. Cultural Marxism's substitute for the Roman Emperor is gay "marriage", which is impossible; it is simply not what the word means. But any Christian businessman or woman who refuses to sell products or services to gay "weddings" risks being hauled into court. If you are a believer and a business owner, you are now to be denied freedom of conscience. You must participate in a rite Christianity (and Judaism and Islam) say is sinful. When Indiana recently tried to offer Christians a very modest level of protection, the whole Establishment came down on it. The state's Republican governor did what Republicans usually do and caved.In all of this, we see cultural Marxism is the worst of all possible Puritanisms: it is Puritanism without God and without virtue. One might go so far as to call it Puritanism against God and against virtue, since its Frankfurt School founders were atheists (all good Marxists must be) and they embraced Nietzshe's "transvaluation  of all values", which means the old virtues become sins and the old sins become virtues. Christians who follow the commands of their faith are sinners and active homosexuals are paragons of virtue. Black is white and down is up.How can we fight this? By reveling what is behind it, the little man behind the curtain. It is a variant of Marxism, not Marxism-Leninism, nor classical economic Marxism, but Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. Once the average American finds that out, learns about the Frankfurt School and understands its goal is "negation", which means destroying everything, it will be in trouble. Cultural Marxism can only succeed so long as its real nature and goals are largely unknown. It's time to turn on the light and make the roaches run. favicon


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