The Cossacks have awoken; the Ukrainians are waking from their slumber, and the Slavic spirit is reignited. We are witnessing a palingenesis before our eyes, something that makes the Golden Dawn in Greece seem somewhat tame in comparison, and the meager election gains in Scandinavia lukewarm. What we’re seeing is the rebirth of a people, the loftiness of soul that Nietzsche spoke of. In Greece, Golden Dawn is jailed because they are such a threat. In Sweden, Party of the Swedes gains support and the Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the ultra-liberal culture of Sweden. In Hungary, Jobbik and Fidesz have started to transform the country into a traditionalist and Eurasian force. Russia has shown its might by standing up for Syria and preventing Obama’s wars, and preserved its traditional culture through law. And now, the Ukrainians have risen to take their state back.Yanukovich has been deposed by the nationalists. The main question here is which way Ukraine will turn. Will Ukraine become another globalist satellite state for the United States via the European Union or will they partner with Russia for trade and keep a Eurasian alliance with the more traditionalist countries? Will the eastern half of the country, which is culturally Russian, break away from Ukraine proper and form their own sovereign state like they have threatened? Will the western nationalists accept this if so? Or will there be a massive civil war with Russia backing the eastern breakaway territory like other separatist, pro-Russian territories such as south Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transistria, effectively enforcing a geographical and cultural split in a sovereign state with the United States backing the nationalists? Will the EU plunder Ukraine’s national resources and force them to accept mass immigration and globalism? Will Ukraine’s culture survive?To understand the Ukrainian situation, one must understand the history of Ukraine itself. The situation is not simplistic, and no easy answer awaits these lingering questions. The huge problem is a cultural divide in a country that is partly a distinct cultural and national state, and partly a Russian territory. The Ukrainian socialist republic was a product of the Soviets which created the nation we know today as Ukraine. The Ukrainians in the west harbor a deep animus towards the Russians because Stalin created a genocide there in the 1930s, via starvation. The westerners view themselves as a distinct nation, but the eastern half of the country, however, is largely Russian and often votes for the far-left but culturally-conservative Ukrainian communist party. The western half is nationalist and often far-right, with a support for the center-right fatherland party to the right wing nationalists of Svoboda. Right Sector, which is composed of western nationalists declared that it wants to create a nationalist state free from “Russian chauvinism and European slavery.” Easier said than done.First of all, the two major world powers right now are Russian/Chinese Eurasianists, which are culturally right wing and traditionalist even if economically they tend to be left wing. The other side is the United States and the European Union which are culturally left wing and center-right economically (capitalist). These two sides are at war, culturally and economically, and every single country is a chess piece. For a country like Ukraine, which is not valuable to the United States but is highly valuable to Russia, it could be potentially destabilizing to lose their manufacturing power and their economic power as an ally. For this reason, many pro-Russian sources have claimed the CIA backed the revolution to scorn Putin for foiling Obama’s war plans. The revolution has taken place right during Russia’s Olympics in Sochi—a major embarrassment for Putin. It is tit for tat, by the Americans, it would seem, to get back at him for making Obama out to be a fool and warmonger to the world.Despite this seemingly un-serendipitous revolution, the Ukrainians, several of whom I am in contact with, such as the noted political writer Olena Semenyaka, are well known within the Svoboda nationalist party, have claimed that the CIA is not backing the revolution whatsoever, and Euromaidan is happening because Yanukovich is a corrupt neo-liberal politician who does not care about Ukraine or its people. Which is probably true. I don’t pretend to know what is really going on. The situation could easily fit into a conspiracy theory, but I am loath to buy into such notions, and remain skeptical of them. Yet there are some serious things to make one question the legitimacy of the revolution.Regardless, The nationalists claim their revolution was done independent of outside forces—something I tend to side with, though being naïve about the CIA and the United States' tendencies is equally ignorant. I don’t know the exact truth, but I do know this: If Ukraine joins the European Union it could be potentially devastating for the country, whereas Putin's Russia is a reliable, traditionalist, friendly nation. The EU hates nationalism and traditionalism, and works to destroy it. So now that Yanukovich is deposed, is Yulia Tymoshenko going to become the leader of Ukraine? And will she lead the country to glory or ruin?Unlike her more right wing traditionalist friends, who until the Euromaidan, were labeled “far-right” on Wikipedia, but during the revolution were changed to “center-right and then to right wing” under their description (curious change, don’t you think?) Tymoshenko is pro-European, and pro-neoliberal. At least Yanukovich did not sell out his country to the EU, though he tried to. He is of course, obviously a Russian-backed leader and does not stand strongly for much of anything. Like a typical politician he is primarily concerned with saving his own skin first, which is why the Ukrainians wanted him gone. His sole redeeming factor seems to be his support for Russia as Ukraine’s partner instead of the European Union. However, he tried to get the best of both sides, and for it Putin pulled out and initiated a trade war which precipitated the revolution. Yanukovich is obviously duplicitous and not a real ally to anyone—Russia, the EU, or the nationalists. Ukraine needs a strong leader who will make the right choice, which I believe is to be siding with Russia.If the nationalists are smart and join the Russian/Kazakhstan/Belarus trade union, and keep Russia as their main trading partner, the nationalists will have created a conservative state and put a thorn in the side of the United States' globalist world power. If they join the European Union, which with Tymoshenko in power is very likely, Ukraine may face a terrible future of mass immigration, neo-liberalism, fast food, and all the other hallmarks of the encroaching globalist power that is trying to stamp out European culture for good.The powerful thing we have learned from this is that we, nationalists, have shown our power and our strength. We’ve shown we can revolt and depose leaders. We’ve shown that unlike the feckless Occupy movement, who have accomplished nothing in several years, we have accomplished the transformation of a society and primed it for a possible independence that may not have been imagined before. All in less than a third of a year. This means that regardless of Ukraine’s fate, the nationalists have shown we have far more power than we think. This gives us hope. For years and years we have watched as nationalist state by nationalist state has fallen or turned culturally left wing. Now, the tables have turned. The Ukrainians are showing the way, showing that with proper organization, the nationalists are the only hope for real change. Unlike occupy, we have no identity politics to divide us, we have no sex or sexual orientation persecution issues we fixate on. We don’t fixate on “equality,” whatever that means. We fixate on our culture and our heritage. By being united as a people, we can fight the powers that be, stop history in its tracks, raise a fist, and not back down.Ukraine shows it is possible; that we are a threat to the New World Order and globalism. Hopefully, the nationalists do what is best and support Putin instead of joining the EU. But even if they don’t, it still shows the power of what we can accomplish. It’s a beacon to the world, whether you agree with what the outcome is or not. I support Putin staunchly, so I hope the Ukrainian nationalists will as well. He’s on our side. He has issues, yes, but he’s a conservative and supports nationalists. We have to pick our allies. Russia is our ally. Let’s hope that Ukraine joins as well, and makes the right move.Even if they do not, however, we know now that change is possible, and that our power is real. Our time is coming and soon we may have the same revolution in our states. We can fight. We can win. Ukraine showed us this. Let’s just hope for our sake and theirs, they don’t waste the revolution by forfeiting their sovereignty and culture to the European Union. James Harmon is a writer, artist, and teacher. He holds an MFA in painting. He stubbornly maintains his Republican party registration despite being to the right of Ghenghis Khan. As a national conservative, he still tries not to take things too seriously, or else no lady folk would find him pleasant to be around. He does rail about the wilds of free market capitalism, but just as any other critic of economic liberalism, he enjoys the finest cigars, whiskeys, card games, and European imported foods.


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