Tactical Libertarianism

Libertarianism has quite a few drawbacks—that we know. Libertarians are usually universalists, essentially cultural Marxists who have adopted capitalism. Their nation-state destroying adherence to free market economics is a serious problem for national industry and in addition, they are severely anti-union and usually pro-immigration. They support moral degeneracy by legally sanctioning vices of all kinds and helping to attack foundations of Western civilization such as explicit Judeo-Christian morality present in our schools and supporting gay marriage. They often defend obscenity and the right to be as crude as one wants without much remorse.With such highlights as defending bestiality and crack cocaine as legal choices in the future, libertarians often make us cringe. Most people in society view the hardliners as extreme moral relativists out of touch with reality.With all this in mind, why would a traditionalist ever vote for a libertarian?I have utterly no illusions that most of these libertarians, even the culturally conservative ones such as Ron Paul are not our allies ideologically, and their illusory views on the way society works are sad at best sometimes. But let's look at the reality: Libertarians are not going to get everything they want, no matter what the agenda is. We still have a socially conservative base that is growing in the Republican Party, and the Democrats still provide a hearty opposition.So why vote for them if they have an ideology that essentially opposes the nation-state, opposes traditional culture, and are not likely to get their agendas passed?I have and I will again, and here's why.First of all, I don't vote based on my politician's "views" or his ideology. Anyone who does so - is misunderstanding the point of voting in the first place—assuming that one's vote does in fact count.I vote based on his track record of voting for and enacting policies in line with what works in reality.When you understand how politics works and you understand the nature of the beast of democracy, it becomes a lot easier to swallow the reality. Though we have ideals--to win or to preserve our culture and our way of life—we need to be practical.The advantages of libertarians are numerous:1. Firstly, they are non-interventionists. Right now our country spends more on military than ANY other area combined. Libertarians are open to defense cuts which we severely need, and they oppose frivolous wars which we can't afford to fight. Traditionalists support a warrior ethos, of course, but they shouldn't support meaningless wars, which are the mark of a declining power—the same as Rome, Persia, and the USSR. A nation needs a strong military, but needs to refrain from idiotic entanglements.2. Libertarians support cutting foreign aid, especially to countries with dubious motives. This is something traditionalists most definitely support.3. Libertarians are virulently against statism, and this means they attack the liberal police state for us. In addition, they oppose wire tapping and NSA surveillance which is utilized to harass traditionalist and conservative organizations. Besides, I don't think any real traditionalist supports big brother.4. Libertarians are staunchly pro-weapon and pro-self defense, even in the case against police and the authorities, which are increasingly persecuting us and our allies.5. They are often pro-life, and crusade against abortion, something traditionalists in almost all cases are against.6. Libertarians are opposed to the Federal Reserve and its massive Keynesian inflation spending, which drives up prices, drives down value, and over all makes our economy worse.7. Libertarians defend freedom of speech and association. In a world where our views are considered to be of the lunatic fringe, even allies who disagree with our message but defend our rights are important.8. They are opposed to militarism in our local police forces. This militarism is increasingly making U.S. citizens feel unwelcome in our own states and hometowns. It's destroying our communities and our sense of freedom, our culture in the United States. We need other citizens to oppose it.9. Libertarians oppose massive taxation, something all Americans who are productive, feel is excessive. Tax cuts are good for us, as long as they are not just for the wealthy elite, which is usually the case of corporate conservatives in the Republican Party.10. Libertarians don't support regulation of homemade foods or farming which is a part of traditional rural life and something many Americans are persecuted over. They support a do-it-yourself lifestyle, so if we choose to "get away" from society and "do it ourselves," we can. They may support liberal degeneracy but they support the right to be traditionalist as well. We can't win only with force.11. Libertarians often support secession, and for those of us with aims for an ethno-state or separation from the failed state of modern America, this is a good thing to know for the future.12. Libertarians oppose legislated morality. Now, this is a tricky thing. Here we can argue over society and vice, making arguments going either towards totalitarianism or total liberalism based solely on philosophical principle, but people who do this do not live in reality. Morality cannot be legislated, it has to come from a culture organically or else it will fail. This is why criminalizing and persecuting gambling, drugs, prostitution, pornography, alcohol, or tobacco is pointless when they are personal choices. Unlike gay marriage which is an ideological assault on a core facet of western civilization (not homosexuality itself, just the concept of a homosexual marriage—homosexuality has existed since ancient times and always will), having vices is not. Martin Luther was a drunk, Nietzsche took opium, Cowling visited brothels, and Dostoevsky was a compulsive gambler. Hell, Sherlock Holmes injected cocaine! (Granted, he was a fictional character, but I’m trying to make a point.) Men of the traditional West have always had vices, but they were of a personal nature. Not all of us are puritanical, and why would we be? Puritanism is not traditionalism, my friends. And as conservative as I may be, I enjoy having fun. Libertarians are with the un-puritanical traditionalists on this one as well. Now some things such as hard drugs need obvious public policies, like strong public intoxication laws to discourage bad behavior, but in practice the use of such things is a personal vice.The point I am making here is that between a corporate conservative, a statist liberal, A RINO and a libertarian, the libertarian can actually benefit a traditionalist or nationalist. They aren't our allies, but they are a tactical resource that is worth voting for to preserve freedoms that make our traditional world view flourish.Of course there are huge issues in voting libertarian. You also get their cuts to agriculture subsidies, their universalist world view, and their support of mass immigration (Not all libertarians support mass immigration. Sure, the Libertarian Party does, but Ron Paul has opposed mass immigration and Rand Paul voted against the failed amnesty bill because it lacked proper border controls or preventions of immigrants voting before becoming citizens. It would be nice to have a candidate who votes against immigration on the principle of culture, but that is sheer idealism). But most other types of mainstream politicians also support these things at least tacitly, and given the choice, the tactical benefits often outweigh the drawbacks. Until we get a candidate who we can vote for or support that has a real chance of winning, the libertarians may be our best bet at times.The thing that we have to remember is we are utilizing them for a specific purpose, not supporting their ideology. If they do not benefit us, we do not support them. The potential, though, is that they may be the only allies we have left at times, aside from the sporadic true conservatives in the house and senate. A Jim DeMint doesn't come along too often, and Pat Buchanan is on the wrong side of 75. Until our numbers and influence grows, we should consider voting tactically. James Harmon is a writer, artist, and teacher. He holds an MFA in painting. He stubbornly maintains his Republican party registration despite being to the right of Ghenghis Khan. As a national conservative, he still tries not to take things too seriously, or else no lady folk would find him pleasant to be around. He does rail about the wilds of free market capitalism, but just as any other critic of economic liberalism, he enjoys the finest cigars, whiskeys, card games, and European imported foods.


VICTORIA: Chapter 1


The View From Olympus 26: The New Great Game