This Is The World You Chose: Episode 3

Most or all of these are not new, but TITWYC is about collecting evidence of all liberal lunacy, not necessarily the most recent happenings. Let's go.It's not too late at this point. You can still back out:IMG_0039.fullTrans-normalization is arguably the next SJW crusade, but incest is not far behind. I'm surprised these two aren't nominated for president with the amount of victim boxes they check:IMG_0057Because this is what you want your kids to see when they flick on the TV:IMG_0058Parents that choose not to vaccinate their children because they worry about the side effects are harangued while this boy's parents and his "doctor" are applauded for ruining his life, all in the name of "progress". Heartbreaking:IMG_0059Nothing is immune:IMG_0060I found these on Twitter. Everyone should stay off Twitter. favicon


The Permanent Things


A Social Justice Warrior Story With a Happy Ending – and an Important Lesson