tradLIFE: Trads and Tech

texing in a museumSomewhere between ten and twenty years ago, humanity crossed a point of no return. Technology—specifically telecommunications—has dominated the world and utterly transformed how society functions. The implications are vast; the Internet influences geopolitics all the way down to how people buy clothes and groceries. What often gets overlooked, though, is how digital communications have revolutionized how we relate to one another and go about our lives.Traditionalism starts with personal relationships and communing with the natural world. The obsession modernity has with smartphones, the Internet, and all manner of other video screens ruins both of those things. How much of the outside world is missed by sitting inside on a computer after work instead of taking an evening stroll with a sweetheart? How many men take part in vicarious tribalism in the form of televised sports rather than starting a bonfire and sharing stories with other real-life men? How many precious moments with one's children are passed up because, “one more minute, I need to finish reading this article on my phone and then check Facebook”? How many urban farms could be started or skills learned or mountains climbed if the 4-to-5 hours outside of work the average Westerner spends per day in front of a screen were traded for time spent living life?Consider too the health consequences of our technology habits. It almost goes without saying that television and computers introduced sedentary lifestyles and made nearly everyone fat. Now we have “text neck,” a real condition recognized by medical professionals. The radiation from cells phones is linked various kinds of cancers. Attention spans are virtually non-existent. The blue light emitted by every single electronic device with a screen disrupts circadian rhythms, making full, restful sleep impossible if they are used even a few hours before going to bed. That light is also especially harmful to babies and children, whose eyes are still developing and calibrating to the world around them. The technology is killing us.It must be said that radical Traditionalism and Identitarianism would be nowhere without the Internet. That doesn't mean we have to spend our whole lives in front of electronic devices though. Allow yourself an hour after work to go online and check the news and read a few articles. But then stop. Build something. Create something. Grow something. Play music. Read, talk, pray, hunt. You have a life—live it! favicon doing things, not talking about doing things on a computer


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